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Friday, February 6, 2009

Easter Portraits!!!!

This is going to be so fun and exciting! I LOVE Easter portraits and since children are my forte this will be moments to remember forever! Please reserve your space if you wish to have your Easter portraits taken at the Bucky Moore Bed and Breakfast in Summit, MS the week of March 21st -March 29th. Limited space available! No poses but real candid shotsthat capture your little one's wonderful personality! Unique. Fun. Relaxed.

$40 includes sitting fee and a cd with all of your edited images for you to print with copyright release! It seems most people prefer this type of option so for the *Special* mini-sessions this is how I will distribute!

Props will be provide including live bunny rabbits! Call soon!


Lyndsay said...

you know we will be there!!

Angela said...

We want to come! I'll call you! Love Carsyn's new pics!

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